Flight of Fancy

Happy to introduce to you my new work, "Flight of Fancy". I am enjoying this days with little different technique from before and liking it a lot, can't stop! :) Less sleep, lots of thoughts, I love this times, Creation Times, when fancy is troubling you 24/7. Inspiration to everybody and Enjoy!
Truly yours, Yuliya

 P.S. Traditionally fragments in bigger resolution (2 times smaller then original Art work)


  1. Yuli! You have blossomed beautifully! I am very impressed.

  2. Yuliya, my dear friend, your work is stunning! I check up every so often, and I am always impressed...

    If you ever feel like trading artwork, I'd still love one of your pen drawings...the offer's still on the table!

  3. I love this picture, the light, the girl, the colors...very very nice.
