Apple Juice


  1. Oh wow! You are so versatile. You have so many styles but yet there is a distinct line that still tell me it is your work. I love this very much. This is so beautiful.

  2. Wow, this is truly surreal yet it still maintains a feminine and charming look. I work on surrelism as well but this is just so different and fatastic colour rendered :) x

  3. Right side up? Upside down? I don't know and it's too cool to care!

  4. This is wonderful! I love your colors too!

  5. Very cool style, well done!

  6. this is a wonderful world you created, very symbolic and dreamlike. i also like the colour combination. it has a very romantic touch to it..

  7. I love your style...fairytale mystery and mayhem!

  8. Fascinating! I really like your style, and all the many interesting things in this picture. She's falling down, no up, no....I don't this topsy-turvy world.

  9. Hey Hey Hey!
    I'm speechless
    the world upside down, wonderful detail
    I think you have similar creative codes, that I have because I love those details :)))
    and that delicate suggestion, say, but say no
    show but not show
    besides your master drawing
    Yuliya, (I do not know how to say it) but I think this is the best illustration I've seen ​​this week!
    You're in one of your best creative moments, (I think humbly)
